SWISH Offering Free Basketball Player Clinics for Inner City Winnipeg Schools

The Summer Weekend Innercity Supervised Hoops program (or SWISH) is offering schools in Winnipeg's innercity the opportunity to host a free player's basketball clinic during the school day.  The basketball clinics will consist of, unique ways to warm-up, the triple threat (shooting, passing, dribbling), defensive technique and developing a love for the game of basketball.  If you are interested in having SWISH run a short and fun-filled clinic at your school please contact Xavier Smith at x.mrsmith1@gmail.com.  More information on SWISH can be found at http://www.swishbasketball.ca.

During summer weekends, inner city kids have few programs available in a supervised environment, especially those involving sports. Project SWISH is one way in which the University of Manitoba provides such an opportunity.

The program, operating out of parking lot E at the Bannatyne Campus (McDermot and Tecumseh), is a multi-hoops basketball venue held on Saturdays during the summer.  During 2017, SWISH will operate from July 8 through August 19th.  Up to six portable hoops are moved on and off the site each Saturday.  SWISH provides a variety of activities, running clinics, 3-on-3 competitions, pick-up games; and most of all, a safe place for kids to play.

The site is supervised by college-age students with inner city community experience and staff on-site from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm (includes an hour each for set-up and close-down). Volunteers are also recruited, primarily from UM Bison Sports and the local basketball community (eg. college/senior high basketball players, coaches). These volunteers lend their expertise, skills, and encouragement. Each volunteer is asked for a half-day commitment.

City Transit bus tickets are provided to the kids.  A tent is set up in the centre of the site for shade, along with water, medical supplies. In the event of rain, the Joe Doupe gym, located in the Brodie Centre, is used as an indoor venue, which will be booked in advance for all Saturdays.

The project involves a number of partners including various UofM faculties and units, such as Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Med Rehab, Kinesiology (including Bison Sports and Recreation Services to hire/supervise staff); community organizations such as the Youth Agencies Alliance (including Rossbrook House, Spence Neighborhood Assoc., Boys & Girls Club, Indian & Metis Friendship Centre, IRCOM, and others); inner city schools; City of Winnipeg (eg Winnipeg Police Services, SPIN Program, Winnipeg Transit) and Sport/Basketball Manitoba.